Playa PAraiso

Local Restaurants

There are numerous restaurants in the towns and villages around the Mar Menor and this list is by no means exhaustive.
Some of them are on the list because they are amongst our favourites, whilst others are on the list because they have been recommended by others. Either way we accept no responsibility!

Playa Honda / Playa Paraiso

Malvasia logoMalvasia 968 145073 This is a top quality restaurant with probably the finest food and wine in the area. The menu is typical of what you would find in the best restaurants, beautifully cooked and presented. The difference is the slight oriental twist to the ingredients and flavours. The portions are not large so be warned this is not a restaurant for those who like their plates piled high.
The owner is a wine expert and the range available is staggering. If you get the chance, take his advice.

Try the Prawn Ravioli. Just start with one each while you look through the menu.
Malvasia restaurant
It's not cheap. Three courses, a bottle of medium priced wine, coffee and a glass of dessert wine will be about 100€ for two. However, for similar quality in London you would expect to pay much more.
In the summer Malvasia is closed on Sunday evenings and all day Monday but it is worth phoning to check. Booking is advised.

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